5 foods that taste better than junk food

Cherie L Dreves

Many parents are striving to eliminate junk food and get their kids to eat healthier.  The main sticking point is that kids don’t think eating “healthy stuff” tastes good.  Let’s go over some kid approved favorites that may help them change their minds.

Fruits – The sweetest, most kid friendly source of many vitamins and other vital nutrients. Strawberries, grapes and cherries are great finger food for all ages. (Pitting the cherries for smaller children is a necessity)  Other fruits such as apples, oranges and melons, are great when cut into easy to handle pieces.  Have some fun-wedge oranges with the peels on and make smiley faces while eating the orange. This is always good for some laughs at the table.

Vegetables – These can be a royal battle with children but veggies like cucumbers, sweet peppers, celery, carrots and cherry tomatoes (although not a veggie) can make vegetables more appealing.  Spread almond butter or cream cheese atop the celery and Viola! – Better than a candy bar and without the processed sugar and preservatives. 

Tip:  Consider purchasing organic to reduce the amount of Glyphosate ingested by children.  Glyphosate has been identified as a contributing cause of several illnesses in children, including autism and ADHD. Prep fruits and vegetables and have them available in the fridge; easy access for everyone.  I have found that if they are prepped and ready to eat, kids of all ages will select them over some other, less than healthy, alternatives.

Popcorn – popcorn is actually a whole grain, providing added fiber to the diet and it’s tasty.  Purchase organic popcorn to avoid GMO’s.  Air popped or old-fashioned pan popped popcorn with coconut or olive oils are the healthiest options.  Organic microwave popcorn made with natural oil, such as palm oil, is another clean alternative to trans fat.

Cheese – What kid doesn’t love cheese?  There are so many kid friendly options these days. Natural cheese is best meaning, cheese made from cows not given rBST (bovine growth hormone) and grass fed.  Take care to read the label and ensure that there are no added oils or fillers.  A departure from the norm would be goat cheese, which has a mild, tangy flavor.  Our family favorite comes topped with blueberries.  A wholesome and satisfying snack when paired with organic crackers.

Nuts- the perfect snack; salted, unsalted or raw are all good choices. Almonds, Pecans and Macadamia nuts can appease even the most ardent sweet tooth. Nuts provide good fats, added protein and antioxidants. Almond and cashew butters make are a flavorful departure from the traditional peanut butter and are higher in nutrients.

As parents we can’t always control everything our children eat but we do have control over what we purchase for our families.  It has been shown that good eating habits are fostered at home. Set the example at home, talk with your children, explain why you purchase the foods you do; because they are good for them and watch them start making healthy choices on their own.  One cautionary note: avoid forbidding kids to have certain foods, this psychologically will make them seek the foods even more.