BREAKFAST! — The most important meal of your child’s day

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There is nothing more important to you as a parent than the health and welfare of your child. So, how important is a nutritious breakfast for children and teens?

Breakfast is essential for children, as it refuels their bodies and replenishes blood sugar levels, providing energy for the day ahead.

Fueling a busy life

Children who eat breakfast tend to be more active and creative. They have better concentration, problem solving skills, eye-hand coordination and miss fewer days of school compared with those who skip breakfast. Life can be hectic and sometimes overwhelmingly busy. Some mornings can be crazy with everyone’s schedules and trying to ensure that your child is getting a nutritious breakfast.

Ingredients are important

Although the benefits of breakfast for children are widely acknowledged, it’s essential to note that the quality of what is being eaten matters as much as the fact that it’s eaten. Choose breakfast foods that are rich in proteins, whole grains, healthy fats, fruits and vegetables while low in added sugar. In addition, it is important to choose non-GMO and organic products whenever possible.

The following is a list of the top twelve “dirty dozen” fruits and vegetables most contaminated by pesticides and fungicides, which are linked to cancer, hormonal disruptors and reproductive damage.1 Either buy organic or avoid: strawberries, kale, collard and mustard greens, grapes, peaches, pears, nectarines, apples, peppers, cherries, blueberries and green beans.

Go organic when possible

When considering healthy whole grains, organic is vital because corn, soy and canola are the top genetically modified agricultural products found in so many of our foods. These foods have been genetically modified to accept herbicides or glyphosate, which is the main ingredient in Round Up. Herbicide tolerance is the most prevalent GMO trait engineered into food crops, with some 90 percent of corn and 94 percent of soybeans in the U.S. genetically engineered to tolerate herbicides, according to USDA data. These crops are used to produce various ingredients such as cornstarch, corn syrup, corn oil, soybean oil, granulated sugar, hydrolyzed vegetable protein, textured vegetable protein and more. Read your labels!

Non GMO’ is not organic

Also take into consideration that so many products now carry the “Non-GMO” label, which at first thought you would think it’s healthier, right? To a certain extent, but not really! Non-GMO does not mean organic! Wheat, barley, oats and lentils have not been genetically modified, but to accelerate the harvest, glyphosate is frequently used as a desiccant, to dry out the grains for quicker harvest and sale. There are no label requirements for glyphosate being in and a part of our foods!

Health problems linked to glyphosate, just to name a few, are cancer, endocrine disruption, fertility and reproductive concerns, liver and kidney disease, microbiome disruption, neurological and neurobehavioral disorders, depression and anxiety-like behavior.

Plan ahead

Now with the understanding of how important that a healthy breakfast is for your child, plan ahead to make those hectic mornings less stressful with the knowledge that your child is getting proper nutrition and a great start to their day.

A healthy breakfast can be quick and easy for you or your child to make. Breakfast can also be made ahead of time, with some being portable for eating on the go.

A bowl of cereal with organic whole milk can be very nutritious, equaling whole grains, healthy fat and protein. And it’s convenient, quick and easy. There are a lot of nutritious, clean and organic cereal choices. Yes, they are more expensive than the sugar-laden alternatives. But stop and consider what your child’s health is worth.

For more creative and easy ideas, consider smoothies, egg muffins or overnight oats. Another good one: premade egg burritos. Wrap them up in wax paper and freeze. In the morning, pop them into the microware for a minute or two, and your children can walk out the door with a healthy breakfast!

Need some ideas? The internet has a wealth of information about healthy breakfast options. But remember, within all the resources and recipes, always buy and use the cleanest, healthiest ingredients you are able to find. Here is a great source of ideas:

There are so many healthy breakfast options to help your children get the nutrients they need for the day. Breakfast is a great opportunity to load up on protein, healthy fats, fruits, vegetables and whole grains. Nutritious meals can be an important step in establishing healthy eating habits for the whole family.


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