Helping Your Furry Best Friends Adjust to your school days

By Loree Walden

Yavapai Humane Society

Hey kids! Summer break is over, and that means it’s time to head back to school. While you’re busy getting your backpack ready and picking out your first-day outfit, there’s someone at home who might be wondering, “Where’s my favorite human going?” That’s right—your pets!

Whether you have a playful pup, a curious kitty, or even a fluffy bunny, they’ve loved having you around all summer. Now that school is starting, let’s make sure they’re ready for the big change too!

Pets love a good routine (just like you!)

You know how you get used to waking up, having breakfast, and heading to school every day? Well, pets get used to a routine too! They’ve gotten used to you being home to play, cuddle, and give them treats. But when school starts, that routine changes, and your pets might feel a little confused or lonely. But guess what? You can help them out!

Practice your new routine together

Before the first day of school, start practicing your new routine with your pet. If you’ll be getting up earlier, try setting your alarm a bit earlier a few days before school starts. Spend some quality time with your pets in the morning, so they don’t feel like you’re rushing out the door. You can even practice leaving the house for a little while, so they get used to it – maybe go on a short walk or run an errand and see how they do.

While you’re at school, your pets might miss having you around to entertain them. But don’t worry – you can leave behind some super fun activities to keep them busy! Set up a treasure hunt by hiding treats around the house for your dog or cat to find. Got a puzzle toy? Fill it with their favorite treats or kibble and watch them have a blast trying to get it out. And don’t forget to give them extra love and playtime when you get home – they’ve been waiting all day for you!

Your pet might also act a little different when school starts – they could follow you around more or seem a bit sad when you leave. But don’t worry, this just means they really love you and miss you! Be a pet detective and watch for these clues, then give them extra cuddles and tell them you’ll be back soon.

Even though school keeps you busy, make sure to plan a daily pet party when you get home! This could be anything from playing fetch in the backyard, having a brushing session, or just snuggling up together while you do your homework. Your pets will look forward to this special time with you every day.

Going back to school is exciting, but your pets are still your best buddies. With a little extra care and some fun activities, they’ll adjust to the new routine, and you’ll both be ready for a fantastic school year together!