The History of Memorial Day

In the United States, Memorial Day honors the memory of soldiers who died in the nation’s wars. The holiday falls on the last Monday in May. On Memorial Day, Americans attend parades, church services, and other social events. People also decorate soldiers’ graves with flowers and flags. The president of the United States often visits the Tomb of the Unknowns at Arlington National Cemetery. The tomb honors unknown American soldiers who fought for their nation.

Memorial Day began in about 1866, after the American Civil War. People wanted to honor the soldiers who had died in that war’s battles. Women’s groups began laying flowers on soldiers’ graves. Because the day included decorating graves, it was originally called Decoration Day. After World War I (1914–18) the name of the holiday was changed from Decoration Day to Memorial Day. For many, the holiday also signals the beginning of summer. Text courtesy of Britannica Kids